The spring-breaking grip can hold an iPhone of any size but is too small for an even smaller iPad. Small holes are provided on the back of the controller to mount a detachable (and included) phone mount. Not strictly necessary for most iOS games, but good. It also has options and menu buttons to the left and right of the home button. What’s new for Nimbus + is that the left and right sticks can be “clicked” inwards like buttons – a common feature of consoling game controllers these days. It is comfortable and lightweight and feels well-made and strong. It has the perfect shape that will make players feel familiar with consoles, twin sticks, high-click DD pads, A / B / X / Y buttons, home buttons, and shoulder bumpers and triggers. SteelSeries Nimbus controller is basically an improved version of the original Nimbus. With these great controllers available to iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV users (who also work on PC or MAC and their respective consoles), why pay more for MFI controllers.? With the introduction of iOS 13, you can use Xbox one or ps4 dual shock 4 controllers with your iOS devices and Apple TV. The only thing is, you don’t really need an MFI controller the way you used to. A formally certified and licensed controller that works seamlessly with all your Apple devices. SteelSeries Nimbus+ controller is our choice for the best all-round MFI game controller. If you love playing games on your iPhone, iPad, MAC, or Apple TV, you’ve probably noticed that some of the most popular titles are really to play with a game controller.